How the World Works – Unit Celebrations
Last Wednesday, Grades 2-6 presented their new understanding around the theme of ‘How the World Works’, inviting their parents and friends to celebrate the completion of their recent unit of inquiry in their classrooms. Each child also delivered a portion of the presentation in Chinese, demonstrating how their Chinese language instruction is intimately connected to their inquiry in the Primary Years Programme.
Grade 2 had inquired into how changes in the Earth and its climate impact how plants and animals live. They presented dioramas of different biomes, which they had created.
Grade 3 had looked at how people apply their understanding of forces and energy to invent and create. They took parents around a ‘carousel’ in their classroom, with individual stations teach about Newton’s laws, and a few notable inventions (chocolate chip cookies were a popular one!).
Grades 4-6 presented arguments for which advancement in medicine was most deserving of a Nobel Prize. They had researched the development of X-Rays, vaccines, antibiotics, and more, and invited the assembly of parents to consider a world in which their discovery had not been made.