We’ve Got Spirit, How About You!
QAIS is excited to begin the Chinese New Year celebration with a fun and festive Spirit Week for all of our students! Below is a link where you will find a calendar of specific clothing items your child can wear to symbolize the joy of Chinese New Year! Examples have also been provided, but creativity and inspiration are more than welcome.
If your child prefers to opt out of wearing spirit week attire, students may continue wearing their school uniforms instead. We look forward to a week of fun and good cheer, and we thank you for your continued support!
To view the Spirit Week Calendar, please click here:
- Monday, January 16: The color RED symbolizes protection and hope for the new year, so please have your child wear RED in honor of this tradition.
- Tuesday, January 17: 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. Please have your child wear something that portrays a rooster. This may include clothing with roosters, face paint, head gear, etc.
- Wednesday, January 18: Fireworks are an integral part of Chinese tradition, so we ask that you please have your child dress in their most colorful clothing to symbolize the lights of the fireworks.
- Thursday, January 19: Please have your child dress in traditional Chinese attire in honor of the long held history of Chinese New Year.
- 1月16日星期一:红色主题日。红色象征着福祉和希望,红红火火新的一年。请学生身穿红色的任何服饰来庆祝这个中国传统。
- 1月17日星期二:鸡年主题日。2017年是鸡年。学生可以作任何有鸡的图案的装扮,包括带鸡图案的衣服、手绘、画脸、头饰,等等,请尽情发挥。
- 1月18日星期三:烟花和爆竹日。新年放烟花爆竹是中国的传统,为了保护环境,我们不是真的点燃烟花爆竹,而是以着色彩缤纷的衣服,来展现最美丽的色彩。请学生穿彩色的衣服来学校。
- 1月19日星期四:传统服饰日。请作传统服饰装扮来隆重地迎接历史悠久的节日。