FAMILY FUN RUN 2024 // 2024家庭欢乐跑
FAMILY FUN RUN 2024 // 2024家庭欢乐跑 A momentous occasion unfolded at the Amerasia Family Fun Run, a vibrant community event that brought together over 700 attendees from the Amerasia and Qingdao Communities. The day was brimming with joy, unity, and a focus on celebrating the spirit of togetherness. The day began with the community dance, […]
FAB FAM FUN at Family Fun Day 2019!精彩绝伦的QAIS家庭欢乐日
Summer is here and we kicked it up a gear with the fantastic Family Fun Day. Students, teachers, parents, aunts and even some grannies joined us in a fun-filled day in the sun. 伴随着夏日来临,我们迎来了梦幻般的家庭欢乐日。 学生,老师,父母,阿姨甚至一些老人都在阳光下度过了充满乐趣的一天。 The day started with some fortune telling, from there we tried to keep our balance on the slack line. 美好的一天始于放松! […]
Student-Led Conferences June 2017
Please click on your Grade to sign up 请点击您的年级报名: Grade 2 Student-Led Conference Grade 3 Student-Led Conference Grade 4 Student-Led Conference Grade 5 Student-Led Conference Grade 6 Student-Led Conference
QAIS Takes the Stage
Crowds gathered and fans cheered as QAIS took to the stage at Lion Mall this past Saturday evening. Seussical cast members, as well as dance, orchestra, and choir students, performed their hearts out to the delight of invited guests, shoppers, and bystanders.
PYP Winter Holiday Artwork
great art work our PYP students have been doing in Devin Smith’s art classes.
QAIS Super Student Profile of the Week – Peter L, Grade 5
In 20 years, I want to be an inventor, inventing so many things to make life better.
QAIS Super Student Profile of the Week – John, Grade 6
My favorite place to have fun in Qingdao ZhongShan Park.
Investigative Journalists Bear Witness, Report on Issues That Matter – 实地记者见证报道与自己息息相关的问题
Students learned how to stir reader empathy while writing authoritatively
Montessori Plum Blossom Scientists – 蒙氏梅花班的小小科学家 最近,
Their focus on Gas led them to experiments with balloons