QISN: PYP Track & Field // QISN 小学田径比赛

QISN: PYP Track & Field // QISN 小学田径比赛


Grades 3-5 students from four international schools gathered for the highly anticipated Qingdao International Schools Network (QISN) Track and Field Event. The participating schools—YCIS, ISQ, QISS, and QAIS—came together for a full day of spirited competition and camaraderie. The event saw students rotating through six dynamic events: the 80m sprint, running long jump, high jump, javelin (foam version), shot put, and standing long jump. Carefully designed, these activities not only tested the students’ athletic abilities but also encouraged them to push their limits and strive for personal bests. In preparation for this exhilarating day, our students dedicated countless hours to honing their skills. Regular PE classes became a playground for practice, and the commitment extended beyond school hours with extra sessions held twice a week during recess, led by the dedicated Mr. Laki and his team. This rigorous preparation aimed to ensure every student felt confident and ready to take on the competition. Coach Victor reflects: “Our primary goal was to foster a sense of sportsmanship, teamwork, and the intrinsic values of a healthy and active lifestyle. Competing in a friendly, multicultural environment offered students a unique opportunity to learn from and support one another, transcending the boundaries of individual achievement.” The day was a resounding success, filled with moments of triumph, perseverance, and mutual encouragement. Students from all participating schools demonstrated that while winning is sweet, the true victory lies in shared experiences and the friendships forged along the way. We are incredibly proud of all our students for showing such enthusiasm and passion for sports. As we look forward to future events, we remain committed to nurturing these values, confident that they will continue to inspire our young athletes. 

QISN 小学田径比赛 

四所国际学校的三至五年级学生们齐聚一堂,共同参与了备受瞩目的青岛国际学校联盟(QISN)田径赛事。YCIS、ISQ、QISS和QAIS的学生齐聚一堂,度过了充满活力和友谊的一天。比赛包括六个激动人心的项目:80米短跑、跳远、跳高、泡沫标枪、实心球和立定跳远。这些精心设计的活动旨在考验学生的运动技能,并鼓励他们挑战自我,追求个人最佳成绩。为了这一天的到来,学生们投入了大量的时间来磨练技艺。体育课成了他们练习的舞台,而这种努力也延续到了课外,敬业的Laki老师和他的团队在课间每周两次组织额外训练,确保每位学生都能自信地迎接挑战。教练Victor回顾道:“我们的目标是培养体育精神、团队合作以及积极健康生活方式这样的内在价值。在这个友好且多元文化的环境中竞争,学生们有机会相互学习、相互支持,超越个人成就的界限。” 这一天的活动取得了巨大成功,充满了胜利的喜悦、坚持不懈的精神和相互鼓励的温暖。所有参与学校的学生都展现出一个理念:虽然胜利令人愉悦,但真正的胜利在于共同的经历和在此过程中建立的友谊。 我们为学生们展现出对体育的热爱和激情感到无比自豪。展望未来,我们将继续培养这些价值观,相信它们将一直激励我们的年轻运动员。