Everett Hill, MYP Physical and Health Education Teacher, and Athletic Director, was recently invited to participate in a worldwide online webinar titled “How are you adapting your MYP Units for the rest of the year?” A group of five International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program educators, from England, Thailand, Sweden, and China discussed how to adapt PHE during this time of online learning. This discussion facilitated a range of viewpoints from across the globe as these educators sought to adapt to the changing learning environment to best support students. Great job, Everett!
“All five international educators shared how they are continuing to educate students in an online setting. The future of education was at the forefront of the discussion as it was acknowledged that this has given educators around the world an amazing opportunity to teach in a flipped classroom setting. The skills that educators and students are using now will be applied to the classroom when we return to schools and will allow teaching to become more efficient and more robust in our content fields.
Based on these discussions with educators around the world, what we are doing at Qingdao Amerasia International School for online education is as high of quality as anywhere in the world. ” – Everett Hill, MYP Physical and Health Education Teacher, and Athletic Director
The full discussion can be seen at the link below.
我校中学部体育与健康教育教师、体育部主任Everett Hill最近应邀参加了一场线上研讨会,讨论“如何在本学年剩余时间调整MYP体育的单元学习?”来自英国、泰国、瑞典和中国的五位国际文凭中学课程的教育者讨论了如何在远程学习背景下开展体育课教学。为了更好地促进学生的发展,这些教育者积极与世界各地的同行共同寻找新途径,以适应正在变化的学习环境。Everett,我们为你骄傲!
中学部体育与健康教育教师、体育部主任Everett Hill 报道:“五位国际教育工作者分享了如何以线上课程的形式继续教学。教育的未来是讨论的中心话题,因为大家承认,目前的条件给了世界各地的教育工作者一个在翻转课堂环境中实践的绝佳机会。当我们回到学校时,教师和学生会将现在掌握的技能应用于课堂,从而使教学更加高效,学习内容更加充实。