QAIS Super Student Profile of the Week – Yuka, Grade 9
What is your favorite book and why?
I love books, but I do not like novels, I love picture books. It may seem a bit “unique” for a 13-year-old to like picture books, but I guess that I was influenced by my mother who bought me two whole shelves of artistic and intriguing picture books from all over the world. Picture books are not too deep in meaning, but they have amazing illustrations and simple stories that have a good twist that I end up spending hours flipping through. I suggest a few picture books that are available in English. The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton, a cute story about a house and city construction with soft water colors and colored pencil illustration. Also, Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs, a story of the secret life of Santa that has some jokes that makes it fun for all ages.
What is your favorite traveling experience and why?
One of my favorite traveling experience is a trip to Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, France. The whole experience was amazing. It becomes an isolated island during high tide and gets connected to land during low tide. The island itself is a town that has a medieval theme all over the place. The houses were built with stones and wood and there are metal signboards hanging from the restaurants. I also got to stay in a “hotel” room that was built in an attic. The best part was the monastery that has such long history. It was being used as a fort, a hospital, and a prison. This building too was made from stone: it had about 3 floors and it was gigantic. I really enjoyed the unique mood of Mont Saint-Michel and the escape from ordinary life.