The PYP Exhibition: Summarizing Findings
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.”
It started with passions, areas of genuine interest and a desire to take action. The process, that is The PYP Exhibition, is nearing the heart of its journey, in many ways. Students have researched intensely, reflected often on the process and are at the end of their fact finding and unearthing of issues.
From the Central Ideas and Inquiries that the groups formed, weeks ago, they now turn to communicating what they have learned. This is not simply a regurgitation of facts but an engaging presentation utilizing myriad media and strategies to invite the audience into their topic, to relay important information and share their affinity for the issues at hand with a wider audience; to change minds and invite an amelioration of circumstances.
The whole, school community has had an input into the process and continues to contribute to the success of the project. Mentors still meet with groups and support with time management, social interaction and much else. Specialist teachers have been active on the periphery, advising, but will now play a more prominent role as we explore the spectrum of effective presentation techniques across all areas of the curriculum. The Chinese department has been supportive as we approach organizations in the local community and will continue to assist, specifically, as students compose parts of their presentation in the language of the host country.
At this stage, the students are summarizing their findings; what are the big ideas they take away from their studies? They are deciding upon their central messages; what do they wish to share with the school community that they consider of importance after this inquiry? They are, also, taking tentative steps into what possible action might be effective, feasible and appropriate; how can we make this issue better for all concerned?
It has been an arduous process for the students and the expectations have been higher than anything they have encountered, thus far, in the PYP at QAIS. They have performed well all year, progressed as inquirers, demonstrated much of the Learner Profile and the associated Attitudes. Exhibition has demanded that much more from them than the typical Unit Of Inquiry and they remain enthusiastic. They have constantly been asked to go deeper, to find out more, to look at different perspectives, to reflect wholeheartedly and support each other all the while.
In the photos you see, they are examining how they have met the Lines Of Inquiry and deciding how to go deeper… always deeper…
When we met, at the outset, it was stated that this would be the pinnacle of their PYP experience and as such, it should be challenging. Grade 4/5/6, as a student body, have risen to that challenge and should take satisfaction in the fact that anything worth achieving should be difficult. We’re not done yet…stay tuned!
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Calvin Coolidge.