The PYP Exhibition: Refining the Message
“Put the message in the box, put the box into the car, drive the car around the world until you get heard.”
Brian Kennedy
The PYP Exhibition process continues and the students had a busy week reviewing their journals, summarizing their findings, and arriving at a message they wanted to share. Then came the manner in which they would do that; the most effective way to communicate that which they had learned – the vehicle, if you will.
Grades 4/5/6 had a presentation, last week, comprising a variety of elements designed to inspire them for their completion of their products. With input from the various specialists at QAIS, students were presented with aspects of IT, Art and Music that could be used to communicate their messages. They also had the chance to see other Exhibitions from around the world and examine what was useful, effective and impactful, as well as what was not.
They set about discussing what strengths they had, as individuals and what modes of communication would suit them best. Following this, they designed a plan for their presentation space and the various elements contained therein. They made a list of the resources they would need and submitted them for approval. At every juncture, they conferenced with their homeroom teacher and reflected upon their decisions.
Alongside this process was the concept of contacting organisations in the local community to arrange visits. By the time you read this article, all groups will have either arranged or already completed visits. This is a unique opportunity for the students to liaise with experts in the topics they have chosen, as well as to learn more about their chosen issues. In some cases, it will fuel ideas for action components as they finish off the process of the Exhibition.
Last Friday the Animal Welfare group had the chance to visit Huang Dao Wild Animal Park and they had an amazing experience getting up close and personal with the animals. From feeding them to handling them, they got a unique insight into the aims of the park and were made very welcome by the staff there, not to mention the creatures.
This week, students are busy creatively communicating their key messages to the community. They have broken their master plans down into individual tasks and will be active in school, as well as at home, as they pull everything together for an effective presentation. It will be an intense couple of weeks and they will need our encouragement and guidance to retain their enthusiasm for the important issues at hand.
“Enthusiasm is the divine particle in our composition: with it, we are great, generous and true; without it, we are little, false and mean.”
Letitia Elizabeth Landon.