“Put a Little Love in Your Heart” – 2015 Winter Performance
On Friday, December 11, students (and a couple of parents) at Qingdao Amerasia International School delighted the ears and warmed the hearts of our entire community with a celebration of talent, compassion, skill, beauty, and love.
The 2015 Winter Performance began with a reception in the Cafeteria, where students, families, and friends decorated cookies while the QAIS Orchestra played. Then, after a ‘YMCA’ flashmob, the students led us in to the Auditorium!
Every student participated in the performance, from Toddler to IB Diploma Programme. They sang, danced, played, and rocked in a variety of ensembles that highlighted their diverse interests, abilities, and traditions. The final sing-along, ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart’, captured the spirit of the QAIS community, and our mission to “develop courageous global citizens, who help to create a more peaceful world through community action, intercultural understanding, and respect for all life.”
Enjoy the photos!