Investigative Journalists Bear Witness, Report on Issues That Matter – 实地记者见证报道与自己息息相关的问题
As pictured below, MYP 4 & 5 students in Mr. McCarthy’s Language and Literature class have been hard at work, interviewing, researching and writing about issues that speak to their concerns as QAIS students, Qingdao residents and global citizens. How much homework is the right amount? What happens to the food waste from our cafeteria? Why do teens smoke and choose other reckless behaviors? These and other issues were investigated through primary and secondary research as students honed their narrative, informational and argumentative communication skills. Students learned how to stir reader empathy while writing authoritatively on subjects that mattered to them and their classmates. Said one student, “I want my article to make people talk more, so the school is like one big classroom.” Click here to read a selection of these articles.
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如照片所示,中学部10年级和11年级的学生正在McCarthy老师语言与文学课上努力工作着。采访、调查、撰写的内容都是他们作为QAIS学生、青岛居民和全球公民所关心的问题。多少作业量是合适的?学校午餐后的残余是怎样处理的?为什么青少年会吸烟或选择轻率鲁莽的行为?学生们经过初步了解和二次调查将这些问题写进自己的文章,训练在叙事、报道和评论方面的沟通技巧。学生们通过铿锵有力地撰写与自己以及身边同学息息相关的主题,学习了如何进行引起读者共鸣的写作。 一位学生说道:“我希望我的文章引发大家更多的讨论,这样整个学校就会变成一个课堂。”点击这里阅读学生文章。