Happy New Year! Holiday Adventures and Starting Anew in 2017!
From scuba diving in the Cayman Islands, to relaxing on the beaches of Thailand, to enjoying the comforts of home and family, Qingdao Amerasia International School students and staff relished every minute of their winter vacation. Some traveled within China, while others ventured off to exotic locations for peaceful getaways, and many traveled thousands of miles back to their home countries to enjoy festive traditions and holiday feasts. It was time well spent, and we are now back, ready to greet 2017 with a fresh perspective and renewed spirit!
到开曼群岛的海底做水肺潜水,在泰国海滩上放松休息,在家里被家人的关爱和家庭的温暖尽情包围,Qingdao Amerasia International School学生和员工充分享受了冬季假期的每个时刻。有的在中国旅行,有的在异国的世外桃源,许多人飞行几千里回到自己的国家欢度节日享受美食。度过了美好的时光,现在每个人都回来了,精神焕发地迎接2017年。
Min, along with her family, visited the Yunnan Province of China, near Dali. She reveled in the peace of the natural beauty with hopes of going back as soon as possible.
“There are dozens of small, inexpensive hotels that overlook lakes and mountains. Further north, there are villages that still follow traditions from two-hundred years ago. It is so diverse and beautiful there.”
Bessie, 8th grader, escaped the cold of Qingdao and traveled to Sanya to enjoy the tropical Chinese beaches and warm weather.
“It was great to get away, and the beaches were wonderful!”
8年级的Bessie 离开严冬时节的青岛前往温暖的三亚,享受中国热带的沙滩和气候。“能到别的地方真好,三亚的沙滩太棒了!”
Special Education teacher, Megan, made her way back to her home state of Texas in the USA to relax and unwind with her dog and family. She was able to enjoy live music and delicious Mexican food, as well as cuddle with her furry companion, Basil.
“I had such a good time in San Antonio! I got to see family and friends, and my dog slept with me every night! I was so sad to leave, but as soon as I landed in Qingdao, I was really happy to be back and start the new year!”
Lily, an EC student in Plum Blossom, ventured to Prague with her little sister and parents, Chris and Lauren. She got to catch up with some friends from South Africa while seeing the sites of the beautiful city.
“My favorite things were the castles and eating lots of sweeties!”
幼儿园梅花班的Lily和她妹妹一起跟着爸爸妈妈Chris 和Lauren去了布拉格。他们在那里与来自南非的朋友重聚,一起游览了这个美丽的城市。“我最喜欢的是那里的城堡和吃很多糖果!”