Grade 3 – Omani Perspectives
In the IB Primary Years Programme at QAIS, Grade 3 is investigating how culture has an impact on people’s beliefs, values and actions. The class had expert speaker (and mother) Zoe Gradwell come to the class and share stories, artifacts, and memories from the time she spent growing up in Oman. Mrs. Gradwell lived in Oman for eight years as a child, and attended an international school there.
During her presentation, Mrs. Gradwell wore clothes from the region and explained their significance in Oman culture. She also displayed jewelry, art, and pictures of the country, and discussed their cultural significance. We learned about the leader of the country, who is called a Sultan, and how he became known as the Sultan of the People.
The key concept being explored in this lesson was ‘perspective,’ as the students enjoyed thinking about dress, accessories, and other cultural artifacts from a different perspective.
If you are interested in sharing your cultural background with the third grade class, please click here to send Ms Szyman a note!