First Parent Association Meeting for 2015-2016!
Our first meeting, held at Hyatt Regency Qingdao, was well-attended with approximately 60 parents, representing all five QAIS programs and four major language groups: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
At our meeting, we enjoyed some refreshments, an opening BINGO icebreaker complete with prizes, and had some laughs and some fun, and introduced the Association’s Executive Committee, led by Renee Dustman.
A major focus of the meeting was to begin developing parent ‘Wishes’ for QAIS, or areas where we would like to see further development through this year and beyond. Parents spoke in groups on a deeper level about what they appreciate most about QAIS, and how they would like to see the school continue to improve, and then shared their ideas with the full committee.
We are thankful for our parents’ involvement, and look forward to deepening our collaborative relationship this year!