Elementary Unit Celebrations, Moving Up Ceremony
Elementary students in the IB Primary Years Programme came together for two big celebrations, reflecting on their last unit of inquiry and, finally, moving up to the next grade level!
Grade 1 performed their favorite story, Alligator Alley, as they demonstrated how “Adaptation is essential for survival in changing environments.”
Grade 2 held a dramatic reading of The Lorax, having deepened their understanding into how “People can make choices to support the sustainability of the Earth’s resources.”
Grade 3 shared a video that they planned, shot, and edited, around the idea that “Reaching a resolution during moments of conflicts is influenced by interactions among people and societies.”
Later in the morning, everyone ‘moved up’ to the next grade level! We recognized students who had demonstrated attributes of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile, and the teachers bid farewell to their classes.
We’ll see you in August!