Elementary Community and Mother Tongue Activity!
Last Wednesday, Elementary students celebrated culture and community. Mother Jessica Ramsey and her daughter, Julia, shared a presentation of holidays and foods from her native Sweden, introducing Easter (Påsk), Midsommar, St. Lucia Day (Luciadagen), and more! Right before the presentation, Jessica had baked kanelbulle (cinnamon buns) in the library, and the students got to experience a delicious taste of Swedish culture. QAIS treasures opportunities for our students to share their mother tongue and culture with the community, and we thank Jessica and Julia for creating this activity!
Elementary students also had an opportunity to practice recognizing one another for excellence at their monthly community meeting. Each student created a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ for a classmate, noting the quality which they found to be exemplary. Later the students presented their certificates to one another, sharing why they valued the particular quality. We believe that this ability to consciously affirm others is an essential skill; activities that put community life into practice are easy to enjoy, and their benefits reverberate beyond the walls of our international elementary program in Qingdao.