On to the Next Chapter – DP Graduation 2017
The glow of the lights illuminated the significance of the moment, as our five DP students made their way down the aisle. There was hardly a dry eye in the house as they took to the stage one last time for their high school graduation. Their moving speeches, musical performances, and beautiful photos touched the entire audience filled with family and friends.
Dr. Vicari’s heartfelt words were accompanied by those of Mr. Hasbrouck, Dr. Dustman, and Mr. Murat. DP teachers joined the graduates on stage, as diplomas, flowers, and photos were received.
When Sarah, Ruth, Kangmin, Janice, and Adelle threw their graduation caps into the air, there was a resounding round of applause in honor of their amazing achievements and contributions to QAIS. The FAB FIVE, the first cohort to complete our Diploma Programme, will be greatly missed but never forgotten.