Children’s Poetry Workshops
On November 9th and 10th, Kenn Nesbitt, former US Children’s Poet Laureate, is teaching QAIS students from grades 1-6 not only what poetry is and how to write it, but also how to enjoy and laugh along with the creative process. “In my own small way I’m trying to do my part to help people laugh, and just maybe make the world a happier place,” he says.
As the children sit and listen, Mr. Nesbitt reads one of his poems called “I Have Noodles in My Nostrils.” The group of 5th and 6th graders burst out laughing and smiling with every line. It’s more than just fun and games, though. The students are learning valuable language skills like rhyming and rhythm, and these poetry workshops are strengthening their abilities to learn and play with words in English.
After Mr. Nesbitt reads a few poems, he invites the class to collaborate to write a poem together. “My puppy plays ping pong,” goes the first line. The students are eager to add their own ideas about what should go next. “What’s the hardest part of writing a poem?” he asks. “It’s finding a pencil, paper, and a place to sit down. The rest is easy!”
Poems and information about Kenn Nesbitt’s work can be found at his website, www.poetry4kids.com