Xi’an: A Journey of Discovery for Grade 8 Students | 西安:八年级学生的探索之旅
To enrich their unit on World Religions, Mr. Brian’s 8th grade Humanities class enjoyed a 3.5-day field trip to Xi’an. This city was a natural choice for this unit, because Xi’an marked the beginning and end of the ancient Silk Road, which brought different goods, ideas and beliefs to China. The students have been studying […]
Hanging Tough with the QAIS Outdoor Club | 与青岛美亚国际学校户外俱乐部坚定的在一起
The new QAIS outdoor club has taken after school activities to new heights, both literally and figuratively, as they have been exploring the tunnels, cliffs, and mountains of Fu Shan right outside our front door. The club, led by experienced outdoor enthusiasts, Brendan Madden and Chris Borodenko has taught students how to bushwhack trails with […]
Grade 5 Students Become Teachers
On October 17, Grade 5 students stepped out of the regular classroom and visited a rural school outside of Jimo, a town on the outskirts of Qingdao. The school is surrounded by fields and farmland, and the entire area is very green which was a welcome change from the asphalt jungle of the city. Upon […]
Sing Peace Around the World
“Preventing conflicts is the work of politics: establishing peace is the work of education.” ~ Maria Montessori Could you imagine if the world came together and concentrated on what unites us, rather than divides us? We would find peace. That’s the hope and message of the Sing Peace Around the World Campaign, held annually to coincide with the United Nation’s International Day of […]
Parents are Lifelong Learners
Wednesday, September 20th, proved to be a very productive day for QAIS parents as we had the honor to welcome the world- renowned Montessori Educator, Ms. Robyn Breiman to our school to lead a workshop on “Maths in Montessori’. For nearly thirty years Robyn worked with children of all ages as a Montessori teacher. She was the head of […]
DP Biology Unites Fashion and Science
Fashion is all around us. Many people pay attention to it, while others take it for granted. DP student, Shirley Ma, characterizes herself as a “fan of fashion with a conscience!” Shirley had already been investigating the poor working conditions of people producing textiles in several Asian countries, but it was during a unit about water in Biology class […]
Students Cross Bridges; With a Rhythm | 学生们通过节奏增进了解
Crossing bridges can be done in numerous ways and our DP Music students discovered that one of these ways is through music. Students had the honor of meeting some extraordinary local musicians who allowed them to explore different Chinese instruments unknown to most of them. Apart from the instruments themselves, students learned about the long history of musical instruments in China […]
Smiling Faces During QAIS Open House | 在青岛美亚国际学校开放日中微笑的面庞
Thursday afternoon marked the perfect time for the first Open House of the year. It was an ideal moment for parents to meet, mingle and socialize with other parents. As Maria Montessori encouraged teachers to ‘Follow the child,’ QAIS parents took this message literally, following in their children’s footsteps into classrooms and onto chairs and benches normally populated by the younger generation. While meeting […]
Safety First / 安全为重
Safety is important at QAIS. See how all our students exercise bus evacuation drills in the following gallery : QAIS非常重视学生的人身安全。了解学生如何参与校车逃离演习