Elementary Unit Celebrations, Moving Up Ceremony
Elementary students in the IB Primary Years Programme came together for two big celebrations, reflecting on their last unit of inquiry and, finally, moving up to the next grade level! Grade 1 performed their favorite story, Alligator Alley, as they demonstrated how “Adaptation is essential for survival in changing environments.” Grade 2 held a dramatic […]
Early Childhood Graduation
On Friday, June 19th, we celebrated the graduation of ten students from the Montessori Early Childhood Program, having completed the ‘Kindergarten’ portion of their EC career! In addition to the knowledge they have acquired in the areas of Language, Math, Cultural Studies, Practical Life, and Sensorial, they have experienced being leaders and role models in […]
Outdoor Activity Day
On Wednesday, June 17, all the PYP and MYP students spent the day out doors, participating in six problem solving activities! Students were organized in groups that contained a mix of students from grades 1 – 10, and each group was represented by a different color. Each activity lasted for 30 minutes and was led by a […]
MYP Personal Project
Grade 10 students pursued life-long interests, created new products, and learned new skills through their MYP Personal Project. Last Friday, they presented their projects to students from throughout the school. The Personal Project is extended research that each student carries out over several months. It is an example of inquiry in action, as it reflects […]
The PYP Exhibition
For the IB Primary Years Programme Exhibition, QAIS students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 have built their own units of inquiry around the theme of Sharing the Planet. In small groups, they developed their own central ideas and unit questions, researched their topics, and made arrangements to visit sites around the city for research. […]
The PYP Exhibition: Taking Action
The final week of The PYP Exhibition is upon us and the students are intensely focused on the conclusion of this process. Their presentations are almost complete, and attention is turning to the spoken word. Grades 5 and 6 and collaborating with their peers in Grade 4 to put together a summation of their findings […]
2015 QAIS Family Fun Run
What an amazing Saturday! The 2015 QAIS Family Fun Run was blessed with perfect weather, an unbeatable venue, and a joyful, generous community of supporters and participants. We raised over ¥10,000 for Nepal earthquake relief; we made kites, paintings, and medals; we ran 5km beside beaches, tidal pools, and sculptures; we danced like crazy; we […]
The PYP Exhibition: Refining the Message
“Put the message in the box, put the box into the car, drive the car around the world until you get heard.” Brian Kennedy The PYP Exhibition process continues and the students had a busy week reviewing their journals, summarizing their findings, and arriving at a message they wanted to share. Then came the manner […]
The PYP Exhibition: Summarizing Findings
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.” It started with passions, areas of genuine interest and a desire to take action. The process, that is The PYP Exhibition, is nearing the heart of its journey, in many ways. Students have researched intensely, reflected often on the process and are at the end […]