On the Edge of our Seats – Seussical Jr. Tickets now Available!
What’s that I hear? The time is near! Grab your seat for a musical treat! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, now’s your chance to step into a world of whimsy and fun at the Lewin Theatre on March 24th and 25th for the QAIS production of Seussical Jr. Tickets can be purchased at the QAIS […]
Students Share Their World – Primary Years Program Unit Celebration
IB PYP Grade 1, 2 and 3 students invited parents for unit celebrations to demonstrate what they learned in their units.
The Great Debate – Grade 6 debate on technology
Students investigated and researched the effects of technology throughout their unit, and they were able to present their arguments in front of a set of judges, as well as their peers, teachers, parents, and members of the QAIS administration.
Let the Games Begin – Grades 1 and 5 play learn through games
Grade 5 students have taken what they’ve learned in their recent unit on energy and have applied it in a most engaging and creative way: through games.
Where We Are In Place And Time
The IB describes the transdisciplinary theme Where we are in place and time as: “An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.” How fitting that a cohort of […]
Celebrating, Sharing, and Reflecting
The theme of our fist unit of inquiry in Grade 3 was Who We Are, and as a class we explored the central idea of how people’s cultural background has an impact on their beliefs, values and actions. This past Friday we invited the parents in to share and celebrate the completion of our newspaper […]
Grade 3-4 – Production, Supply, and Demand
Our unit took us to Thumb Plaza as we explored how goods and services are produced and supplied. Our summative activity was holding a market at lunch in the cafeteria, which was attended by the whole school! Students worked in pairs to develop, produce, and market their product. The whole class made a profit of […]
Grade 2 Class Puzzle
Last week, the Grade 2 class made a class puzzle! Each student personalized a piece of the puzzle that symbolized themselves and their hopes for this year. They then worked collaboratively together to piece the puzzle together. You can see it on the wall in the PYP hallway.