C.A.S: The Heart of DP
With the hustle and bustle of coursework, assessment preparation, and countless hours of research and lab work, it’s sometimes easy to overlook one of the other extremely important components of the QAIS Diploma Programme, C.A.S: Creativity, Action, and Service.
“Along with TOK, and the Extended Essay, CAS is at the heart of the DP, as it’s designed to strengthen and extend students’ personal and interpersonal learning from the PYP and MYP,” explained CAS Mentor, Canan Cerman. “It allows students to continue their interpersonal development by learning through experience.”
CAS projects differ greatly, affording students the chance to follow their passions and creativity, while helping to balance out the academic pressure of the DP. Current projects include participation in the Seussical, personal art portfolios, blog design, coaching, rock band, charity service, and dance. CAS is a wonderful example of bringing life to learning.