Diigo: Information Literacy

Source of image: www.top-windows-tutorials.com
Research is an essential component of all IB programs and, while it’s hard to question its value, it is not hard to recognise that conducting research can be hard if we do not have good research skills, as well as good reading and indexing habits.
Diigo is a fantastic tools tool to help us enhance our information literacy skills.
Once you have an account on Diigo, you will be able to collect, save and tag your online resources for easy access anytime, anywhere. Diigo will help you keep track of all those valuable resources you read; it will also help you create categories to index their context so that you are able to easily find them.
Diigo also gives you the opportunity to annotate web pages and PDF’s directly as you browse online. This means that you will always be able to access documents that you have read and will easily locate the information that matters.
Diigo will help you organize your resources, your links, references and personal input to create a structured research base through an outliner. You will no longer have to download all documents and save links on word documents. Diigo will become your digital repository.
More importantly, because sharing is caring and collaboration makes us better learners, Diigo will allow you to share your research with friends, classmates, and teachers.
Open a free account at: https://www.diigo.com/
Here is a screenshot from Diigo.com.