Art: More Than Meets the Eye

Ms. Devin meets with Grade 1 students to review instructions and behavior expectations. The kids love expressing their creativity, while presenting their very best “WOW” work.
Most view art as something beautiful to admire; however, in Ms. Devin’s art classes, a great deal more is learned. Students are given instruction on the fine techniques of artistic creation, while being taught about responsibility, pride in workmanship, time management, and creative problem solving. Children as young as five and six are exposed to incredible pieces of art, such as Van Gogh’s Starry Night, while also learning about how their actions affect themselves and others. Beauty, talent, and accountability… what a perfect combination!
说起视觉艺术,大家首先想到的是欣赏美的作品;但在Ms. Devin的艺术课上,大多数时候是在学习。学生们学习关于艺术创作的技法,同时要学会承担责任、为自己的工艺感到自豪、时间管理和创造性地解决问题。甚至五、六岁的学生都画出了如梵高的星空这样不可思议的作品,他们同时也学到创作行为如何对自己和他人产生影响。美、艺术才能,还有责任感——多么完美的结合!
- Art student at QAIS