Always Open QAIS Open House Days
We are always open to welcoming parents to QAIS and were thrilled to have many families visit during our two open house days last week.
In the MYP and DP programs, teachers and students showcased learning by opening all classes to visiting parents, who were able to see and participate in their students’ daily work at QAIS.
MYP coordinator and science teacher Mark Brierley summed it up: “It was really great to see so many parents in school and participating in their child’s education.”
At our PYP open house parents and teachers engaged in collaborative conversations. This open atmosphere between teachers and parents is valued and fostered as we work together on inspiring a passion for life-long learning in our children.
Look for more insights into our classroom on our PYP and secondary blogs such as Mr. Brian’s post about 7th grade Humanities open house day.
中学部课程总监、科学课教师Mark Brierly表示:“能看到这么多的家长参与到孩子的学习中来,真是太好了。”