QAIS is proud to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. An IB Diploma is truly the most widely-recognized qualification for students entering university anywhere in the world. DP students entering Grade 11 choose six classes from the subject areas listed below, to be studied for two years. They will also be responsible for the core requirements of the program which consist of Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity, Service.

The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year course of study aimed at students aged 16–19. Students choose courses from the following six subject groups:

  • Studies in language and literature
  • Language acquisition
  • Individuals and societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • The Arts

Students have the flexibility to choose to study an additional science, individuals and societies, or languages course instead of a course in the arts. Most courses are offered at a higher level (HL) and at standard level (SL). Courses at the higher level are more demanding and require more class time. Each student takes three higher level subjects and three standard level subjects.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”The Core”][vc_column_text]In addition to electing six courses, students are required to complete the DP core, which has three elements: Theory of Knowledge (TOK); an Extended Essay (EE); and Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS).

  • When studying the Theory of Knowledge, students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK offers students and their teachers the opportunity to consider the role and nature of knowledge in their own culture, in the cultures of others and in the wider world. The TOK course prompts students to be aware of themselves as thinkers, encouraging them to become more acquainted with the complexity of knowledge.
  • The second core component is the Extended Essay, which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, culminating in a 4,000-word paper. The EE encourages students to investigate a topic of special interest to them, which must also be related to one of the student’s six DP subjects. Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in developing an argument, writing an appropriate research question, and communicating ideas.
  • The third component of the DP core is Creativity, Activity, Service. CAS requires students to take part in a range of activities and projects that they have initiated themselves. The types of projects should be a personal challenge and involve real, purposeful activities, with significant outcomes. Projects permit students to practice skills in planning, reviewing progress, reporting, and reflection on outcomes and personal learning.

The DP core, combined with a wide range of academic offerings, prepares high school students for the academic challenges they will find at college. The rigor of the Diploma Programme ensures that our students are able to pursue the college of their choice, anywhere in the world.

(+86 532) 8388-9900
Baishan Campus, Dongjiang, Shazikou, Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102